People & Blogs

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9 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages Liberation for Economic Freedom Party President Prophet David Mbewe on why politics besides his ministry

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8 Views · 25 days ago

Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) CEO George Macheka on how the Agency operates, challenges and plans

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7 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change, Michael Usi on how his ministry is fighting deforestation, his political plans and ambitions.

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7 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages Human Rights Activist Bon Kalindo on his motive behind demonstrations and his plans this year.

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11 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages Minister of Mining and Member of Parliament Honourable Monica Chang’anamuno on her political career and the mining sector in the country.

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9 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages Malawi Congress Party Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka, MP, on how the journey has been in government, four years down the line, and the plans moving forward

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5 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages member of Parliament Sameer Sulemani on his suspension from parliament and his political life

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10 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages Hon. Nicholas Dausi on DPP’s National Governing Council Meeting's endorsement of Peter Mutharika to be their torch bearer during 2025 general elections.

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4 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages member of Parliament Sameer Sulemani on his suspension from parliament and his political life

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5 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) President, Peter Mutharika on the decision he made to run for the party's presidency and being optimistic that he will be the torchbearer in the September 2025 elections.

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6 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s Brian Banda engages former President of Malawi, Dr. Bakili Muluzi on how it was to fight for multiparty democracy and whether the country is treasuring democracy now or not

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10 Views · 25 days ago

Times Exclusive’s host Brian Banda engages Minister of Local Government who is also Leader of Government Business in Parliament Richard Chimwendo Banda on his political life and how the Tonse Alliance-led government is faring.

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7 Views · 1 month ago

Straight Talk Africa host Shaka Ssali conducted an exclusive interview with Vice President of Malawin Saulos Chilima about the upcoming elections. In the first part of the interview, Chilima discusses his own bid for the presidential election and his vision for the country.

Watch the whole show on “Saulos Chilima and the Elections in Malawi” here:

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8 Views · 1 month ago

Zani Challe - Award winning Malawian Artist On TheReUp With Ntokozo Botjie & Sheila Ndikumana

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8 Views · 1 month ago

And the number 1 Malawian Artist with a nice and Expensive Car goes to????

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2 Views · 1 month ago

In January 2017, Rihanna's Clara Lionel Foundation, Global Citizen, and the Global Partnership for Education visited Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world. The Clara Lionel Foundation has partnered with the Global Partnership for Education and Global Citizen to advocate for strong education systems that ensure the world's poorest kids can get a quality education.

Take action:

Tom Kucy, Director ​o​f Photography, Critical Mass Studio
Justin Medoruma​, Directo​r of Photography, Critical Mass Studio
Evan E. Rogers, ​ Directo​r of Photography & Editor, FENTY Corp.

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3 Views · 1 month ago

We are creating awareness to break female leadership barriers in Malawi. Join us and anticipate.
YESS Girls Movement-Mpanazava Eto Madagasikara
YESS Girls Movement - Ghana Girl Guides Association
YESS Girls Movement- Uganda Girl Guides
YESS Girls Movement-Nepal Scouts
YESS Girls Movement - Tanzania Girl Guides
YESS Girls Movement - Bangladesh Girl Guides
Yess Girls Movement - Fanilon'i Madagasikara
YESS Girls Movement - Kenya
YESS Girls Movement-Burundi Girl Guides
YESS Girls Movement - Rwanda Girl Guides
Africa Region@asiapacificwagggs

Penstone valor
5 Views · 1 month ago

With over 300 million views of his stand up online, Daliso is also the writer, creator, and host of his Rose d’Or nominated BBC Radio 4 show Citizen of Nowhere that has aired for two series.

Daliso Chaponda shot to fame on Britain’s Got Talent, making it to the final of the 2017 series and establishing himself a firm favourite with the judges and the British public. He became a Facebook and YouTube star amassing over 200 million views of his performances.

He has performed around the world and at the Edinburgh, Melbourne, Singapore, and Cape Town comedy festivals. He has also toured the UK twice to sell out audiences and rave reviews.

In addition to standup comedy, Daliso is also a prolific fiction writer. He has published science fiction, murder mysteries and fantasy fiction in numerous magazines, and anthologies.

I met Daliso for a chat on his life, Malawi, comedy and more.